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tv   Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore  FOX  December 8, 2011 9:00am-10:00am EST

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thursday, december 8th. -edgecombe circle elem/middle school innthe city is closed due to no power. 3 3 3 3
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3 ccty officcrs are accused of haviig sex inna public place. the aaleged incident was reported by nnofficer... who claimed to have witnessed it. tto female officers have been put on administrative ssspension while unddr the story was really moving on officially under investigation for harassment or integritt violaaioos. he two are pccused offengaging in a see acc with a man tta city bar... back innoctober. says the offiiers wereebut off-duty and not in uniform. (wwman) "it's just crazy,
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like the ttingg that peoole that's suppose to be upstaading and upholding tte law nd to do something like that, that's a littleebit ask me."us and asinine if you me."no members of the publlc have come forwarr toosay ttey witnessed this act as well. police say they're not releasing tte name of the bar in thii case... because thee say that could hurt theer investigation. a transgendered wwman... beaten inna rosedale mcdonald'' is now herself being charged with disorderly c. conduct...--beating nats--- nats---this cell phone video - 23-yearrold chriisy polis.... being attaaked after sse tried toouse thh wwmen's bathroom. polis is now facing chhrges officer at her essex apartment earlier this month. she called policc saying... someone stole her urse,,phone and 00 dollars. court documents show polis asn'' pappy ith how the officerr on bail....tte trial is eased h scheduled for february. 3disturbing details arr
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surfacing... about the history of a pit bull... that almost killed a poodle near patterson . park. durinn aaheaaing wednnsday... about whether the pitbulls should be euttanizedd.. we learned that one of the pitbulls had been adopted from the baltimorr animal rescue shelter.thatt adoppton ccme onll days after it was seizzd during a drrg raiddpoliceeseized 5 pitbulll from the home... but that information was never pwnnr. 11:40:47 they told me they let ut. they doo't get y get - aggressive dogs or whatevee so we went with him.did thhy tell you about hii history? as a histories. perez says had the signs of aggression... he would not have adopted the animal. a eccsion ill be made within 30 days on the animals fate. ew test scores show
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baltimore ssudents re still strrggling compared to otter 3&that's according to this &ppear's national assessment of educational progress.onlyy 11-percent of baltimore cityy foorth graders are proficient or advanced in reading. the numbees aren't much betterrfor 12-percent of them are proficient or advvnced readers. andres alonso/city schools fourth gradeeand eighth grade - we went up ooer four scale points 37 eanne allen/center it's one thing to say we're doing great with advantaged kids, buu if you cannt do weel with disadvantaged kids, you the n-aae-p test is given to a small sampling of students across the country every 2 years. city school leaders ssy 20-13. no change. hhallh and uman services is keeping the agee limit n the plan b morning after pilll.... as ii. is. the so callee morninn after ppll can prevenn pregnancy ifftaken soon enough after unprotecced sex.the drug is alreadyyavailable t anyone that can prove they're over 17.
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the food and druu administration was ready to anyone.doctors of the issue.out on both sides dr..loodon says: "the it ii safe, the american academy oo pediatriis, the pmerican cademy of family physicians, the ama are all for making this ovvr the counter. dr. marc siegel/foo news medical team
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before working aae about half the chocolate as thoseewho did not. rsearccers say the findings suggest mployyes may find short reaks away from thhir dess can help keep froo walking to running... people thaa engage in extreme temporarill damage the riihtt ventricle of tteir heaats. heartt before and afttr a s mmrathhn or triithhon. they found that right affer thh race the athhetts heerts had funntion of the riiht ventricce decreasing. most of the runners hearts weekklaaer. researchers urgee runners toouse sensible their booies dequate time to -3 recovvr after aratthns. 3 holiday hopping can be ffn...
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but when ii comes o speeding... it can aaso be pretty stressful for couples. couplee. accordinn to a recent survey on the nest--ot-com... seventy-three perrent of women surveyed said they dd the bulk of the holiday shopping.. 42 percent of women said they wish their spouse would do more too elp during the holldays. couples in the survey thaa seemed the mmss sttess-free... were the ones maaing a team effort. ((they go out there with a much we're spenning and we're not going to go beyonn that, shopping for ourselvvs, so letts take that off the table right now, we're just shoppinn for everyone on our list. )) list... it when itt comes to hht llst... it turns causes the most stress. 33
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he can't even talk... but already this boo shows he's got thh beat. beat.((gibberish)) breaks it ddwn coming up.hat - up.and ... in our hometown hooidaas.... whill helping thoss in need. ou're watching fox 45 good day baltimmre. ((brrak 1))))-&3 [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. - providence center,,a non-- providence -
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ppoviience center, a non- ddvelopmental disabilities- ---exeeutivv diiector of he providence center,,chuck oble joins us live... --2011 holiday pllnn and deccr saaes and hollday hours attitss horticulture grrennhuse and gardens ii arnold, marylandand center's services asswell as e - the growers, potttrs, and proddcts. --items offered willlinclude: wrapping, ir mugs, plates, children paper - towel holders ann children's &ptoys, --all items are hand-made, hand-grown by providence center nnividuals pndividuall
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pou can purchase sall items from providence center at the shore acres road ii arnold paryland.for more inffrmation, llg n to fox balttmore ot com slass morning.while yoo're phere, get the latest headlinee, weather, and traffic updatee...and it's all
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for free. he's rockin' the beat... and probabll some pampers. pampers.((gibberish)) the toddler that reaaly knows how to frrestyle... next. &pnext. you're watching fox 45 good day 3&p((break 2))
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prpppngg)((gibberish rapping)) rappinn)) llsten to that... you can't
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really understand him... but he ssill sounds pretty good. good.that's 2 year old khaliyy ... he'ssgot a 3 rhhthmic gibberish that juss may land hhm a ecord deal n the ffture.
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3 3
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3 it's down to thh finnl 5 on the x factor... ((singing)) a reeap oo last night's
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performances... anddddtails on phat you don't knoo bouttthe cootestants.also it's our countdown to christmas... yoor chance to win a gift from you're watching fox 445good day baltimore. &p((break 3)) &p miracces when you beeieve....
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believe.... melanie aaarr cmmanded the auuience's attention last
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nighh on tteex factor.the top during this performance of pwhen you believv". moot peoppe know..candace is favorite and another finalist.. marylann's own &pmarccsscanty.,candacd,,lets' nnt know it when you hear her british virgin islands....she thank ou ssmon... 3& 3 she had aatually been hiding &pbut onn day, she lee loosen -melanie says eight lifted 3 pff her shoulder
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ww need to talkkaboutt maryland's own marcusscanty. liiten in to ooe of his peeformance's from last night. singinn nats nats along and dancing in their 3 seats with his version of chaka khan's aan'ttnnbody." the crowd went wild...even simon-- who was rellctant to what marcus had tt say backstage after hhi performance. canty says::"come as it ay.
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peopll are alwayssthrowing get me in the bottom two, again,,iim going to singgfor my life again man. i don't want to be there, that's the last place i want to e, buu i'm going to fight, man. i'm down." i don't back then there's the little raa of sunshine...rachel crow.she haad a decent night.. i woolddt say best. 3& -rachel crow might have the moot intereeting histoor -tabloids repoots that he budding ssar was born iito a &pdrug addled, abusivv househoo
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services," arbara crow, rachel's adoptive mother,,toldd the post. you an see xxffctor tonight the host of the amerrcan iddl ... could bee leaving the show... forr aaother ig gig. gii.details on what big namm in broadcasting ryyn ssecrest could replace- next. win a gift from under our ree is just minutes away. you're watchhng fox 45 good
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day baltimore. &p [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. we're making the season bright
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herr on fox45 orning news. we'rr giving away under our tree... ii our countdown to chr. christmas.all you havv to do to win is get to the phone. phone..he 4th and 5th callers att410-481-4545 get to choooe p gift rrm under the tree. 33 p fiber maa
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are you ready tt swim and fish inntheeinnnr hhrbor? harbor?mayoo stephaniee rrwlinns-blaae is expected to
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unveillthe city's plan next week. it's called the healthy make te harbor swimmable and on the eve of its 20th anniiersary... camden yards is about tt undergo some renovatto. renovations.maryland's board of public works has apprrved 1- poiit-8 million dollars n renovations to the outfield picnic will be open to &ptheehall of fame.tatues of (franchot) "we love the baseball team, we want them to robinson era and anytting we can do to families doon and that's a-okay by me.. me."the renovations to camden yards are expecttddto e completed by opening day. the former governoo of pllinois is aaout to spend a bars.wednesday a federal judge convicted earlier this year on 17 corruption charges in
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connection with trying to sell &ppresident barack obama's old senaaeeseat. blagojevich hhs 90 days to reeorr to prison. p he suspended his campaignn but his supporters are still behind him. him."i wouldn't minndit if he got backkin" in"maryllnd republicans weigh pn on herman cain...foor days after he ddops oot of the race for ppesidenttcain waa in linthicum weenesday &preform and nergy independenc. he told fox 45 that despite accusationn of annextramaritaa affair...and sexual arrassment...he beeieves his "the feeling thha i got when i had to make the announcement was broken hearted by ot brokee, i'm not a broken peeson beccuse of this pxperience, i'm broken hearted because i wanted toochange dc from the inside" a plaaer in the election. p he ssyy he''l be meeting with g-o-p candidates soon to decide who he will endorse. a video surfacing on yootube... shows michele bachmann at a book signing...
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getting caught fffguarr. happened in south carolina.the republicaa for her new book... when an p-year old boy wwlked over with his mom... and asked a quession that bbchmann could barely hear at firrs..ake a closs listen. "youusaid it but you knoo i think my ears wwre too far away. boy says my mommm's gay buu she ddesn't need fixing." fixing."in ccse you couldn't hear it... thh boy says "my mommy's gay... but she doesn't peed fixinn."bachmmnn is clearly shocked by the boy's candidate is a supporter of a &pfederal ban n same-sex maariage. lindsay lohanns playboy pictorial isn't on storee been leaked.the covvr shows - &pnude lohan siiting ii a red iccnic playyoy buuny.... and tte results areesaid to be quote ávery classy.álooan's issue will hit newssttnds in
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late december. áámeriian idolá host ryann seacrest could bb looking to add somethinn new to his the wall stteet journal reports he's in talks pith n-b-c o oin the "today" show.heewould reportedlyytake matt lauer's place if he year.the journal reports preliminary and says the talks night.executivee tuesday niggt. the newspappr ssys the talks are preliminary aad could fall
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3 snowman... now here's frrsty snow-dog... coming uu... some this dorable poch. two lucky viewers to pick their presents from under our tree... we'll give them aafee presents... and open up a little later. you're baltimore. ((break 5)) & [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable
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and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time.
9:39 am
so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. could america's money troubles get worse before they get better? professional economist and author, mark skousen, says they will. this former analyst for the cia and investment expert joins the "700 club" thursday to share his 30 years of experience on the economy. what he says we need to learn from the debt crisis in europe
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before we can get our own house in order... it's time to caption this! this!today on our facebook page weeposted a picture of a dog that is just covered in snow....ere's what some of yoo "frosty he puppy dog". dog".shawona says "i waited this!""eff says, "you said i here's ome of your other captions...((áááad ibááá)) if you want to plly along... & join s on pf yyu want to play along...
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join us on our facebook ppge at facebook dot com slash fox baltimore. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist))
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weather kid teese
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3 3 3 week.. we'll bring youua deal from mooideals... which provides coupons directly o yo! phone!!hissweek's deal cooms from... roma's one 50 percent off. - just go to myymobideals- dot-com o get started.. or &psmartphone.. mobideals is a product oo our parent ommann.. sinnlair broadcast group. we''e about to give a ccupll gifts.we'll unwrap the at gifts-
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presents to what our viewers have won next. next.(((creaminn)) nd aterr.. haapy holidays... we''e looking at some of thee best hollday moments cauggt on yoo're watching fox 45 good day baltimore. p [ male announcer ] are you pa paying more and more for e and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement. it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online --
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just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. it's our countdown to
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christmas here at foxx45. 45..veryday from now hrough &paway gifts from under ouu tre. our first winner of the daa is miccelle from baltimore. she chose a ggft from under our tree o unwrap.(bluu) wappy dog for he niitendo d-s
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wappy dog for the wappy doo for the inttndood-snintendo p-swappy dog for tte wappy dog for the nintendo d-snintendo d-swappyydog for the nintendo d--the og interacts with the raise theedog nintendo 3 d-ssthrough the with the player the dog inttracts nintendo d-sthe dog inneraacs with the player through the nintendo raise the dog in booh the real aad virtual retaill $49.99 $49.99 our second wwnner is howard from towson. he choseeaagift from under oor tree to unwrap.(red) (red))amden wool made of 500 wool... 50% rtt polyester... with nylon quilted liningcourtesy: carhaattavviiable at "carhartt dot com"retail: $115and if you
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didd'ttwin this ttme-- on't worry.we're giving away more 3 gifts as part of our ccuntdown to chrissmms. it's the chhous of caroling ... that's gonn viraa. with a lithering ornament... we'll look at some of the week's best things caught on watching fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 7))
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time for caught on ,,3cammea... gets cut hoot...formance that - short...singing, screaas ---middle school students perffrming at a mall in fargo north dakota... ---rrssrs collapse.ttndiig on...
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imagine gatherinn around thee tree only to find a snakee it!-- corn snake... dangling it "tinsel"... then set it free in the woods. how about a little enterttinment for your holiiay . shows american airline workers... dancing on tth appears they were filming part of a commeecial... to the johnny cash song "walk the line."only problem is... the dance bbcked who doesn't like a nice warm bath? his doo
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hiss.. --- casppr... the friendly dog 3 it finally gotta lot cooler out. fertig has a look at your 7 day forecast aftee the breakk you're watching foxx45 good day baltimmre.
9:54 am
paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement.
9:55 am
it's an amazing holiday deal. but don't wait. it's only available for a limited time. so go to to sign up. act now and we'll add a special bonus -- $300 back. fios delivers the best picture quality, plus america's fastest, most consistent most reliable internet. spend the holidays saving money. switch to fios and get our best price online -- just $79.99 a month for two years with a 2 year agreement when you order online. save $840 in your first two years. and don't forget your special bonus -- $300 back. hurry, offer ends soon. go to contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's at 800-974-6006 tty/v. fios. a network ahead. ((gibberish rappinn))
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leave ou with that adorable 2 pear old rapper. rapper.((gibberish rappingg) rapppng))
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